Teaser kedd #50

No, ismét egy Teaser Kedd, amit szerdán tartok. Lehet, hogy át kellene nevezni? Bár amilyen jó a memóriám a Teaser Szerda úgyis csütörtökön jutna eszembe, úgyhogy mindegy is, a lényeg, hogy itt van! Bizony, méghozzá nem is akármilyen! Immár az 50. Teaser kedd-et ünnepeljük Reeával, úgyhogy boldog "Aranylakodalmat" baby! :D

Mivel egy mérföldkőhöz érkeztünk, ezért azt mondom adjuk meg a módját rendesen! A szokásos két mondat helyett ma négyet kaptok. Pöpec, mi? Na uccu neki!


- Ragadd meg az aktuális olvasmányod
- Nyisd ki egy véletlenszerű oldalon
- Ossz meg velünk 2 mondatot arról az oldalról.
- Kerüld a spoilert! Nem akarjuk lelőni a poént senkinek.
- Oszd meg a szerzőt és a könyv címet, hogy mások is utánanézhessenek.

It had never occurred to West to question the system of prosecuting crimes that had not yet happened. He had a sudden, painful change in attitude now, and there was nothing he could do about it.
"Do you have anything unusual to report?"
Seriously? "I went to orientation at the Academy and ended up time-traveling in a submarine."

Shaunta Grimes: Viral Nation

After a virus claimed nearly the entire global population, the world changed. The United States splintered into fifty walled cities where the surviving citizens clustered to start over. The Company, which ended the plague by bringing a life-saving vaccine back from the future, controls everything. They ration the scant food and supplies through a lottery system, mandate daily doses of virus suppressant, and even monitor future timelines to stop crimes before they can be committed.

Brilliant but autistic, sixteen-year-old Clover Donovan has always dreamed of studying at the Waverly-Stead Academy. Her brother and caretaker, West, has done everything in his power to make her dream a reality. But Clover’s refusal to part with her beloved service dog denies her entry into the school. Instead, she is drafted into the Time Mariners, a team of Company operatives who travel through time to gather news about the future.

When one of Clover’s missions reveals that West’s life is in danger, the Donovans are shattered. To change West’s fate, they’ll have to take on the mysterious Company. But as its secrets are revealed, they realize that the Company’s rule may not be as benevolent as it seems. In saving her brother, Clover will face a more powerful force than she ever imagined… and will team up with a band of fellow misfits and outsiders to incite a revolution that will change their destinies forever.

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